The project entitled “Enhancing the energy parameters of the buildings of the Specialist Voivodeship Hospital of Saint Barbara No. 5 in Sosnowiec” is prepared by the Specialist Voivodeship Hospital of Saint Barbara No. 5 in Sosnowiec (the project promoter).
Following the public selection procedure conducted by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Economic Development, the project was selected as a pilot PPP project in 2014. The Ministry planned to support the project by providing complex advisory (legal, economic and financial and technical). The support is aimed at preparing and disseminating template documentation and experiences related to the preparation of the project to be performed under the PPP formula. The respective documentation will be published in section “Documents”.
Project description
The subject of the project is the complex thermal modernization along with the implementation of the energy management system in 8 buildings of the Voivodeship Hospital (buildings: A, B-B1-B2, C, D, E, F and G, and H) and the renovation of building B-B1-B2. The existing buildings of the Hospital are over 20 years old. The heat absorbency of external construction partitions does not fulfil the valid requirements of thermal transmittance. The aim of the investment is particularly to reduce the emission of CO2 by 7 431 Mg/year (which is equivalent to 69.5% of the current emission), improve the condition of the natural environment through the modernization of the existing obsolete infrastructure, reduce the demand for energy and thus to reduce the maintenance costs of the infrastructure and to improve the aesthetics.
The project is divided into two parts:
The private partner will have the following tasks: financing, designing part of the project for which the public entity does not possess project documentation and performing works related to the thermal modernizationa and renovation and construction, guaranteeing savings (in the ESCO part), granting a standard quality warranty (for the remaining investment part) and providing for the complete maintenance and management of the building for a period of 20 years (in the ESCO part).
The project is planned to be financed from two sources:
50% - by the private partner,
50% - from the EU grant (in the years 2014-2020).
The national and Union legal regulations make it possible to combine PPP with the financing from the Funds of the European Union, i.e. to perform the so-called hybrid projects. In view of the fact that the application of PPP for the performance of the objectives of the cohesion policy may have a positive impact on the EU budget and the budget of the public sector in Poland, the specifics of these projects was considered in the financial perspective 2014-2020. The General Regulation, horizontal guidelines of the Minister of Regional Development3 and documents on individual operational programmes contain specific regulations and provisions on hybrid projects.
Hybrid project – the project performed under the public-private partnership formula which uses the EU funds. The Structural Funds and the Cohesion Fund supplement the private funds under this model.
Projects combining PPP with the EU funding are subject to the regulations on PPP and to the regulations concerning the European Funds simultaneously. These projects generate additional specific risks (e.g. the risk of co-financing rate, the risk of returning the European Funds and the risk of project sustainability and the risk of material changes in the project which must be approved by the European Commission). The financial plan for the PPP project including the EU funding is comer complex to prepare and must fulfil more requirements based on the European and national law.
The directions of the future support from the EU Funds preferred by the European Commission are consistent with the areas of particular interest in terms of PPP. These areas are related to rendering public services which cost many billions the public sector will not certainly be able to cover independently, inter alia: transport, environmental protection (including waste management), energy (including energy efficiency), revitalization and health care.