The Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy acts as a central coordinating and management unit for public-private partnership (PPP Unit) in Poland. Our task is to implement the Government Policy for the development of PPPs (Poland). Actions aimed at the dissemination of public-private partnership were specified as a strategic project in the area “Capital for development” under the Strategy for Responsible Development.
We use the actions of our Department for Public-Private Partnership to educate, coordinate, monitor, analyse and support the public-private partnership (PPP) market in Poland.
We perform the tasks, inter alia, by proposing necessary legal amendments (based on a comprehensive review of the PPP legal environment) that are necessary to eliminate inconsistencies and improve the development of PPP.
We provide complex advisory services for public entities and issue opinions on whether it is useful to apply the PPP formula for a specific investment.
We also aim to develop and disseminate guidelines, recommendations, good practices facilitating the preparation and implementation of PPP.
We keep a data base of investment plans (PPP project pipeline) and a data base of signed PPPs and we continuously monitor their performance.
We also carry out educational and information activities, e.g. trainings at basic and advanced levels, specialist workshops, and study visits.
We are committed to reach out to the largest possible group of recipients with the use of our profiles on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.
The principal effectiveness indicators of the Policy’s activities by 2020 are:
Therefore, we encourage to visit our Internet website which is a compendium of information on PPP, starting from legal acts, market analyses, project data bases, numerous publications up to news on current events concerning PPP.